Drupal website design benefits from a high-quality agile approach, and here we show you six tips that can improve that process.
According to InfoWorld, the agile framework was developed in 2001 by a group of technologists and has grown to become an industry standard, focussing on collaboration throughout the design process.
1. Plan
Prior to the design process, the business manager and design team should work to identify the core goals of the website, along with the metrics to evaluate them.
2. Documentation
Before any code is written, application architecture should be drafted, along with the content model. These can be altered as the project progresses, but it’s useful to have a documented plan in place from the outset.
3. Adopt a Sprint-Based Approach
Sprint planning helps to verify user stories, but the business owner needs to agree to all of the acceptance criteria from the outset. The Drupal developers can than focus on the draft and estimating aspects of implementation. Some organisations, such as Drupal design agency https://www.website-express.co.uk/service/drupal-design-development-agency/, combine the agile Scrum process with the more traditional waterfall process, as this offers the most comprehensive solution for many business models.
4. Enforce, Review and Test Coding, Along with Automation
By enforcing the most stringent standards of coding from the outset, errors can be quickly identified and rectified. This speedily ensures effective debugging as well as allowing for faster reviews of completed code. The review and testing process ensures that code will perform as expected when integrated with the main code base. Automation is the preferred method for quality control, with the majority of agile practitioners reporting that is an absolutely key element to the success of any agile project.
5. Pass the Demo to the Business Manager
A demo needs to be prepared for the business manager across the same hosting environment as the testing environment. This ensures that any potential environmental conflicts will have already been addressed. The product owner should then be given time to inspect a range of user stories rather than being presented with just a short demonstration.
6. Conduct Audits and Follow Checklists for Launch Day
The application must be tested for fitness, security and performance, ensuring that it conforms to quality standards. Pre-launch and launch checklists guarantee that nothing is left to chance.