How to hold a safe community event

Community events, such as fetes, parades and fundraisers, are a great way of bringing communities together.
Community events boost camaraderie, help to strengthen bonds, and are linked to higher levels of personal well-being, better relationships, and better connections.


Before planning a community event, take the time to consider some important safety aspects of event organising:

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Larger events will require public liability insurance. This ensures there is appropriate cover in place for injury or damage claims.

Public events require a completed risk assessment. This helps you to identify possible risks of accidents, injuries or hazards and details how you will minimise or prevent them.

Even if you are hosting a community event on your private land, you have a duty of care to anyone attending to ensure hazards are clearly marked and you have taken adequate safety precautions.

Fireworks are a popular addition to events but come with many additional risks. The organiser should always seek advice from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) beforehand, as additional regulations may apply.

Event medical cover

It is advised that events of any size have the provision of a first aider on site. Certain sporting events – such as boxing or other contact sports, festivals with large crowds, and TV/film production sets – will require more ample on-site provision.

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Specialist providers can assist with private medical cover, including the assistance of onsite nurses, EMTs, paramedics, and first aiders. These are available for any event type, whether there are 20 guests or 2,000 guests. For more information on specialist services, contact a provider such as

Liaise with your local council, which will be able to provide you with a wealth of information on organizing a community event in your area. This will include the use of public spaces.

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