10 advertisement ideas for students who work as a freelancer

advertisement ideas for students

In this article, I will show you a compilation of very powerful advertisement ideas for students to make Viral Marketing strategies. It helps you on your institution, website and social networks. With these actions and tips and a little of your ingenuity, you can create very interesting campaigns to make your content shared and popular.

The idea of this type of marketing is that our message product or content spread massively and quickly among users and are themselves who promote this content and thus can make it viral in different social networks.

Advertisement ideas for students

Many factors depend on whether the content is viral. ইor example, the emotional factor, the mystery factor, the surprise factor or the fun factor. We can increase the sales of our services, improve the visibility of the brand and get to be known massively by the world of social networks.

To achieve this massive shipment we can use different techniques such as sending chain emails, generating interesting posts on blogs, making posts on social networks and above all, making small videos of very few minutes that capture the customer’s attention very well, thus becoming viral

The good thing about this series of contents is that you do not necessarily need to have a great team of realization or dedicate a lot of time.

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How to get content to go viral?

We all want (and it is not a matter of being easy or difficult) to get our content to go viral, but there are some techniques to follow so that this can be done correctly.

We need to promote our content through social networks through Twitter, Instagram Facebook or any other social network users, either through promoted ads or through our users, if we have a good number of followers.

If we make a video, my advice is that it can not exceed 2 minutes, so that it can capture the attention of our potential users. It is very important to use a good title with very good keywords to get good positioning, helping with a good description, tags and even a transcript of the video itself.

Another technique to get a video to go viral is to make all your content have all the buttons visible to share so that the user does not think too much about how to do it and it seems complicated, and therefore share on their social networks.

Something very important to viralize a content is to produce the so-called engagement or closeness with the user. A fundamental part for our content to be virtualizable is to achieve. In some way, that loyalty with the potential user.

The Wow effect is a technique that consists in surprising the user and makes it possible for him to forward the same message or content to all his contacts.

Examples of Ingenious Advertising

Advertising is something that socially generates and often leaves its mark. This publicity generates a dose of emotion while motivating and encouraging the client. As an image is worth more than a thousand words Viral Marketing is not only focused on large companies, you can achieve this goal if you get that mixture of originality and be at the right time.

In several of the examples that I show you next, you will see that with a game of images and words you can get a unique image. Here I show you photographs of creative advertising that will surely surprise you:

1.- Striking advertising in bags

If you are interested in creating attractive advertising and walking around the city, here, you will have clear examples of creativity in bags.

2.- Occurrent advertising in bus shelters

No need to resort to the latest digital news to surprise with witty advertising. Everyone knows the amount of time people wait at bus stops every day. What better way than to show your ingenious publicity in these stops. Bring out your creative ingenuity so that no one is impassive to see your publication.

3.- Shocking advertising in cars

4.- Creative advertising in photographs for social networks

5.- Advertising with ingenuity and creativity (Guerrilla Marketing)

Guerrilla Marketing is considered to be the set of marketing techniques performed in unconventional environments that seek their goal through ingenuity instead of making a large investment in other advertising. Here I show you some of the examples of this type of strategy.

6.- Customization of Coca-Cola cans

Many containers were customized by this company making a viral campaign offline, and as a consequence it was also promoted in numerous social networks with photos of the users sharing the container with their name, also becoming viral online. A clear example that the mix of off and online is something essential to make a campaign grow even more.

7.- WestJet and his Christmas gifts in full flight

Because mixing online with offline is something very important for something to flow naturally and create that kind of love with the brand, here I show you a way to build customer loyalty by doing something like what this aviation company proposes.

Before checking in your luggage, you will find a screen where you can ask for the gift of kings that you wish, during the flight everything happens normally and when they arrive at their destination that gift becomes a reality. A great example of viral Experiential Marketing.

It shows the client something surprising that serves to create an approach with the brand. Create a good name and perfectly optimize the image.

8.- Kotex and shipments through Pinterest

This company made a study on their Pinterest boards of the 50 most inspiring people and sent them 1 article to each of what they had pinned. You will wonder what it was that was achieved with this … with 50 shipments achieved 2284 interactions and a total of 700,000 impressions, therefore, there you have another strategy to get virtualizable content.

Experience, reality, and closeness are key points to make your content viral.

9.- Launch of the TV channel

Another example of Viral Marketing is the one that used the TV channel, TNT, to publicize its new series with a very impressive and live content, leaving people perplexed in just 2 minutes. Again mix reality with fiction, online and offline creating an explosive mix that hooks the end user.

It is important to create a mix between online and offline; you will make the end user much more faithful and trust your brand more.

Humanize your brand, take advantage of social networks, encourage participation and take care of design and content are basic points to generate good Viral Marketing.

10.- The photos of Fiestagram and Instagram

Promotions on Instagram and Facebook you are looking for a viral response, you could use the one that the Ford company made at the time for the launch of the new car, a combined campaign between Facebook and Instagram. Its purpose was to publicize the new features of this new launch and users must upload photographs with a specific hashtag related to this topic. The publications of these photos not only stayed online but many of them were displayed on billboards on many streets of the city.

Create interaction with your users, that they are part of your creative and viral advertising.

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