Is it safe to travel to Bali? Read this before starting your trip to Bali

Is it safe to travel to Bali

When one is going to make a trip to the other side of the world, or at least to a place as far as Bali, it is reasonable to ask specific questions: Is it safe to travel to Bali? What will I find in terms of security? What can happen to me?

First of all, we should note that Bali is only one island of Indonesia, a country made up of more than 17,000 islands. I say this because it is not the first time I meet people who think that Bali is a country in itself. Therefore, when we talk about whether it is safe to travel to Bali, we also talk about security in Indonesia.

Indonesia is geographically in a dangerous area with the threat of natural catastrophes. It is often heard about the new eruption of a volcano, earthquakes or even tsunamis and tsunamis. It is essential to keep it in mind to be cautious about safety when traveling to Bali.

Therefore, before the trip to Bali, it is advisable to inquire about the risks that may exist in Indonesia as well as the security conditions of the country. Keep reading: What to see in Prague?

Throughout this article, we are going to talk about security in Bali and about the times when you will have to be especially careful. We will analyze if it is safe to travel to Bali, and we will also talk about the best travel insurance to be covered in case of any problem.

Is Bali dangerous? Is it safe to travel to Bali?

THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION. Let’s see, traveling to Bali is generally safe. That’s why nothing must happen at first. The people are very kind. You will always find them with a smile on their faces, asking curiously where you are from, especially in the smaller towns. If you need help with directions or where to eat, for example, they will not hesitate to lend a hand.

Is it safe to travel to Bali

It is true that in many cases, they will talk to you to try to sell you something: souvenirs, excursions, etc., but not in this sense, Bali is not dangerous.

You will not find dangers like robberies at gunpoint or street violence, so we could say that it is safe to travel to Bali. But it is advisable to read and analyze the various risk factors and above all to carry proper travel insurance suitable for the activities you are going to do, because regardless of the people, Bali can be dangerous in other aspects and therefore, it is advisable to be alert.

📌 Medical care in Bali

Although many people decide to travel to Bali, Bali is not the main island of Indonesia, and therefore, the medical infrastructure may be deficient in many aspects, especially in cases of serious accidents, where it is necessary to evacuate to Java, the main island.

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In addition to this, you will have to pay for medical care, which in many cases has unreasonable prices. Imagine that you are injured on a trek or something happens to your diving, that a weirdo bites you, that you get diarrhea due to a change of diet or that you have an accident with a rental motorbike. You can go to the budget of the hands with the payment of hospital care. So it is best to have insurance to travel to Bali.

Nothing has to happen. You will be calm knowing that your travel insurance covers you. It is also essential that you go to the International Vaccination Center (Preventive Medicine) before the trip to get the vaccines you need.

⭐ TIP: Get travel insurance to Bali that includes medical attention. It is the best way to avoid unnecessary surprises.

📌 Are they going to steal me?

I only know the case of some people who were robbed in Bali, and in reality, what happened is that they were victims of a scam. They rented a house without knowing exactly where they got, and when they went for a walk, the supposed owners took all their belongings.

But I know people who have spent long periods in Bali and have never stolen. So in that sense, we could also say that it is safe to travel to Bali. Anyway, you do not have to be careless either. As in all trips, it is advisable to take your passport, wallet, and relevant documents in a safe place.

⭐ TIP: At the hotel, do not leave things of value in sight. Avoiding temptation is another way to ensure your safety.

📌 Travel around Bali: Roads and transport

Travel around Bali

One of Bali’s main dangers is its roads. While it is true that over time they have improved a lot, for a European traveling to Asia for the first time, driving in Bali or Indonesia can be quite surprising.

It is not uncommon to find double overtaking or overtaking while vehicles come in front and the truth is that in Bali, there are many traffic accidents. Many involve Balinese, but it is very likely that during the trip you cross with tourists who wear a sling or have their legs full of wounds because they have fallen off the bike.

📌 Motorcycle gas stations, Bali

The Balinese use motorcycles for everything. They are a form of transportation for the whole family. (I have seen whole families riding the same bike, including babies), they do not usually wear helmets, they drive in flip flops, they go faster than they should on many occasions, they transport stacked boxes that prevent Visibility, or a bunch of live chickens in one hand while driving with the other … Things that are very striking to us as tourists, but that make it not so safe to travel to Bali in that sense.

It is effortless to get carried away by that relaxed atmosphere that is breathed throughout the Balinese island, believe me, but it is essential to remember that when it comes to roads, do not neglect and it is advisable to drive with caution.

⭐ TIP: If you rent a motorcycle or a car, drive with caution, carry papers in order with you and always use the helmet (in the case of the bike). Check also that the vehicle includes the insurance.

📌 Security in Bali: Balinese Police

Balinese Police

This is very relevant about the previous point since the police in Bali have their pluses and minuses. In general, you will not have problems in airports, customs, etc., but if you rent a vehicle, it is advisable to go with caution.

Is it safe to travel to Bali in this regard? Well, sadly, there is a lot of corrupt traffic police. They’ll stop you. They’ll want to fine you for anything they invent … That’s why it’s best not to give them reasons to be fixed on you. Drive slowly, carry a passport and international driving license with you and, above all, do not disrespect them.

I have met many people who have been stopped by the police and also bribed. It is essential that you keep it in mind for safety. Traveling to Bali is safe, but these things can make your trip bitter. If they get very insistent, the best thing is to give them some money and let them go.

⭐ TIP: If you rent a motorcycle or a car, l cam 20 € in separate rupees in a pocket. If the police bribe you, use that and tell them you have no more.

I’m not a good friend to take bribes, and least recommend saving the money for it, but the fame of the police in Bali makes it better than having to accompany them to the police station and get into a mess. In any case, you should travel to Bali with travel insurance that covers you in situations of this type.

📌 Dangers in Bali: Natural catastrophes

Now, the least safe when traveling to Bali … NATURAL DISASTERS. Due to its geographic location, the archipelago of Indonesia is very vulnerable in this sense. Tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are just some of the catastrophes that have historically hit the country.

Bromo volcano, Java, Indonesia

These situations are in many cases unpredictable, so if you touch, it touched you, but in that case, it is essential to remain calm, know what to do and above all, have travel insurance to cover possible natural disasters.

In recent years there have been several eruptions of volcanoes in Lombok that have left many travelers withheld unable to return home since the airports were closed. That is why you have to be cautious.

📌 The party in Bali: Main risks

Although many people travel to Bali to disconnect and spend a dream vacation among beaches, temples and rice fields, it is not unusual to find young people who also want to take advantage of some nights to go out to party. Cool! But it’s not so safe to travel to Bali if you’re going to the party and you get into trouble.

Bali, and specifically Kuta, is one of those places that lend themselves to party and spend crazy and enjoyable nights. But beware, and here I am going to do a bit of a mother, there are many young guys selling drugs of all kinds. What you do with your body is your decision, but keep in mind that in Bali and Indonesia the consumption or possession of drugs is illegal and life imprisonment and the death penalty are penalties in force today that has been applied in more than once to people who have been accused of drug possession and trafficking.

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📌 Other dangers in Bali: Trekking to volcanoes

Trekking, in general, is one of the most popular activities in Bali, especially trekking to the Agung volcano. This volcano has been in eruption since 2017, without imminent dangers to this day, but this situation could vary.

Just be cautious, learn about the situation before starting the route, and it will be safer to travel to Bali. If the volcano increases its activity, it can cause, among other things, the closure of nearby airports.

⭐ TIP: If you are going to trek, take trip insurance to Bali that includes adventure sports up to the height you are going to climb.

Water activities

📌 Other dangers in Bali: Water activities

When one thinks of Bali, palm trees, beaches of turquoise waters, coral reefs, surfing, and diving come to mind. What a marvel!

And the truth is that yes. Bali or the nearby Gili Islands are two of the most famous spots for water sports, as the underwater life is spectacular.

If you want to surf or dive, do not stop doing it. Just take precautions. Hire the activities with reliable agencies that take the necessary security measures and that have a careful and well-maintained team.

This is what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says: «The National Search and Rescue Service has little means, and its presence is scarce in a country made up of more than 17,000 islands and four times the size of Spain. These islands lack lifeguards, hospitals, and means of transport, the distances being enormous “.

⭐ TIP: Take travel insurance to Bali that includes the practice of water sports. If you suffer an accident, it will be your best ally.

📌 Other dangers in Bali: Food

Surely traveling to Bali is a gastronomic surprise. We all love to travel and try new flavors. In fact, for many people, gastronomy is another reason to visit. And it’s great. The Balinese gastronomy has many points in favor: The dishes are healthy, mainly based on rice (or noodles) and vegetables. Also, they prepare delicious meals at very affordable prices. For 2 dollars you can feast on many sites.

But you have to have an eye. In some places, hygienic conditions leave much to be desired. In others, the products are not fresh. In addition to that, your stomach may not be used to excessive spiciness or some culinary products. It is not advisable to consume water that is not bottled. Traveler’s diarrhea is a common malady, at least for beginners to travel to Asia.

Avoid eating western dishes (pizzas, hamburgers …). Because there is less demand and the product will not be as fresh as if you consume local gastronomy.

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