Flooring choices for your living room

When it comes to choosing flooring for a living room space there are lots of different options available. The one that you choose will depend very much on your own personal style preferences, the type of flooring that you already have as well as the budget that you have available. Here are some of the choices that you can opt for.

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Carpet – this is one of the more traditional options when it comes to flooring for living rooms. Carpets can be found in a number of different colours and styles and it is important to pick one that will work with your lifestyle and your family. If you have young children and pets you might not want to choose a light colour.

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Engineered Wood Flooring – this is a more modern and stylish option when it comes to flooring choices. There are lots of different colour options available and you can see a whole range at places such as https://www.irwintiles.ie/wooden-flooring/engineered-wood-flooring. Again it is important that you choose flooring that is appropriate for your family. This may mean choosing a specific colour or a thicker flooring to help with any impact or pressure that the floor undertakes.

Vinyl – there are instances where you might look at vinyl tiles for a living room space, but these are less durable than the other choices mentioned. They may be better placed in a bathroom or a kitchen area.

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