9 Decorative tricks that will allow you to sleep better

Decorative tricks

Rest is fundamental! To sleep at least 8 hours and to do it in good conditions allows us to face the day with energy. That is why it is so important to do everything possible decorative tricks so that the necessary conditions are met so that comfort and relaxation take over our bedroom.

With that goal I have encouraged to prepare this article, in which I share several decorative tricks that will help you sleep better. They are not like taking a sleeping pill, but I assure you that any help counts. And above without medical prescription!

Decorative tricks

Do not skimp on the purchase of the mattress and pillow

Few investments are as important as the mattress or pillow that you will use every day to sleep. Do not spend so much on furniture or decoration and prioritize the quality of something that you will thank every day that you get up. Remember that both mattresses and pillows have a few years of useful life, and that when the day comes to replace them you have to do it without thinking twice. If we do not, it is likely that we will begin to have back and cervical pain.

The size of the bed

Not only do we have to value that the mattress and pillow guarantee us a good rest, but we also have to look at the size of the bed, because if it is not big enough we can have back problems due to the discomfort that can cause. It must be large both in width and length, because it is not a plan for the feet to come out underneath.

Decorative tricks

Beware of the proportions

We would all like to have a huge bedroom, but unfortunately the square meters can be scarce and that means that we have to engineer ourselves to have everything necessary without eliminating areas of passage. Seeing that everything is much overloaded and that we can barely access from one place to another in the bedroom can also affect our sleep. The good thing is to clear everything to the fullest and opt for a minimalist decorative tricks or close to what we understand as such.

Feng Shui also has something to say

You may not be in favor of what Feng Shui promulgates, but it never hurts to know that what recommends is that the bed is the protagonist of the bedroom. Also, do not align it with the door or with the windows, but it should be possible to see it from the door. On the other hand, especially when it comes to a shared bed, you should have access from both sides.

Decorative tricks

Comfortable bedding

Another of the essentials decorative tricks of any bedroom is the bedding, which has an especially relevant influence when the cold makes an appearance. It is true that design matters, but do not neglect the quality and comfort that sheets, duvets, etc. can offer. The Egyptian cotton is the best material you can choose, but obviously is not exactly cheap. Hence, the most normal option is to opt for Pima cotton, although there are other options such as linen (it is not cheap and is recommended in warm environments) or synthetic (economic and durable, but not so comfortable).


Colors influence our mood and can make it cost us more or less to sleep. Light and soft colors are the most recommended, such as pastel. We must avoid intense colors and not choose shades such as orange, red or yellow, because instead of relaxing what they do is activate us.

Decorative tricks

A good aroma can help you fall asleep

We love candles, which in addition to serving to decorative tricks can help us sleep. How? Thanks to a series of aromas that for their properties are able to facilitate the relaxation process that is so necessary. Aromatherapy is proven to work, and that’s where lavender and orange blossom stand out. In addition, sandalwood fights anxiety and both valerian and tangerine can help you find the relax you crave. The smell of paint and humidity cause the opposite, so do everything possible to keep them at bay.

Sort the bedroom with head

All your house should be ordered, the bedroom being one of the areas that most demand that responsibility to have everything in place. On the other hand, it is a dangerous stay in that sense, since many times we take off our clothes to go to sleep and fall into the temptation of accumulating it in a chair, for example. The same goes for accumulating a multitude of objects on the bedside table. Although you do not believe it, all that can affect you at bedtime, because the disorder does not generate peace and tranquility, but rather the opposite. Get used to not leaving anything in the middle and find a place for everything.

Decorative tricks

Do not forget about cleaning

It’s no nonsense and I’m sure you’ve noticed. Cleaning the room thoroughly makes us sleep better, especially if we have some type of dust allergy. Of course, do not clean a few hours before going to sleep, otherwise we run the risk that the powder is still floating, which can be a major problem for people suffering from allergies. The fact of having carpets, stuffed animals and other textiles make the dust accumulate easily, so you have to take it into account if you have any kind of rejection of these happy particles.

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