What Questions Should You Ask When Viewing a Property to Buy?

Buying a house is a big decision and when you go and have a look at a property to buy, there are lots of things to think about and you need to ask plenty of questions to help you to decide if the property is right for you.

A local estate agent like this estate agents Cheltenham based company will be able to help you with questions that you have about the area, and the property itself.

Here are some of the best questions to ask when you are viewing a property…

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Why is it Being Sold?

There are many reasons for why people will sell a property, but it is always a good question to ask. The estate agent may not always know the answer, but if they do, they will tell you. If they are in a rush to move, for example are expecting a new baby, or are moving to start a new job, this may also mean that you may be able to get a lower offer accepted, so this can help you to negotiate.

What is Included?

It is important to clarify what fixtures and fittings will be included. Sometimes the owners will want to take everything, from white goods to light fittings, and sometimes they will leave a lot there. This can really vary, so it is really important to check what they are going to be including in the sale, to avoid any misunderstanding and to allow you to plan what you might need to buy or replace when you move in.

Is the property in a Conservation area, or is it a listed building?

This is an important one, as it can affect whether or not you will be allowed to make changes in the future. Doing things like adding on an extension, changing the garden or adding new doors and windows are all things that might be affected. There are more restrictions on what you can and cannot do in these types of buildings.

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How Energy Efficient is it?

This is becoming more and more important, as bills increase for heating and electricity. An EPC certificate should show you all that you need to know.

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