The importance of care of work in the UK economy

The last 50 years has seen a fundamental shift in how the UK works and goes about its business. At the start of the 1970s things were very much established around a three tier system of working life. The primary sector and secondary sectors were by far the most numerous employers. This makes up industries such as coal mining and resource extraction. Coal powered the electricity generators and these enabled the manufacturing plants of the UKs car industry and other factories to keep going. This was all to change with the closing of pits and the decline of manufacturing in the UK as the use of cheaper labour abroad in China and The Indian subcontinent was used instead. It became cheaper to ship items into the country and whole swathes of employment was lost in the textile, garments, car, toy and consumer goods markets.

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Where were these jobs going to be replaced? The Government looked to the tertiary and quaternary sectors to take the strain as the sudden resulting unemployment put the amount of people seeking work and claiming benefits reaching three million in the 1980s. Suddenly business office work, the public sector and financial services were being asked to employ more people. Hospitality too was seeing an increase as it began to cater towards the sudden 9 to 5, non weekend working generation.

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The biggest growth has been in the world of care. As the population ages and schemes like care in the community are felt, Care Jobs Gloucester and throughout the country have grown in scope. It’s why a company like can find you a position easily.

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