How to calculate my cheap wedding budget in 5 steps

cheap wedding

Cheap wedding– Whether the budget is small or unlimited, it is advisable to sit down for a while to do a brief economic planning, which will serve as a guide to organize the wedding budget.

After communicating the news to your loved ones. The cheap wedding begins its countdown. It is at that moment when a general budget must be drawn up to deal with the company that will occupy you for about a year. And, for this, keep in mind that this budget will move between 20,000 and 30,000 dollars. Therefore, do not deceive yourself and hire the services you can assume. In any case it is always advisable to estimate high, and thus avoid last minute surprises “, say the professionals of One & Only Day who recommend estimating the expenses by items.

After making that list, Buena C recommends establishing an order of priority and  differentiating between “essential”important. And secondary you must decide which items are the most important for you and therefore, to which most of the budget will be allocated. From here, the planning and determination of the budget begins, divided into five steps.

Define the number of guests

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It is key to the development of all the games of the big day. The chosen farm will depend on the guests for the capacity. And of course, the choice of catering and menus that meet the quality-price conditions.

In Zank you we have talked a lot about the guests. Depending on the budget you use, you may have to ignore that list of commitments that would only increase the final price. But that depends on you. The average number of guests is 150 people.


The banquet is half the budget for cheap weddings, and for this, it is important to know that the average coverage is between 75. And 100 dollars. From there, each couple decides whether to stay at that price, reduce it or surpass it.

Other expenses

During the banquet the gifts are also delivered to the guests, whose total price varies depending on the number that goes to your party.

The number of guests also determines the means of transport. Many weddings include vehicles to transport large groups, with all the expense involved. You must also take it into account.

It is important that you make sure that all the prices that they offer, both menus, photographers, etc., have the VAT included. Or if not specified, the percentage of it so that you can calculate it yourself, confesses Ana, from Love I do. Since the VAT can be a big scare if you do not take it into account.


the cheap wedding

The differences between the wedding dress and the groom suit are remarkable. First, the price. Because they usually pay between 500 and 1700 dollars. While they are between 300 and 600. The dress of the bride has always had a greater importance. And the preparation of it is subject to many aspects, like the care of the fabrics and the immense amount of details.


Also, the establishments dedicated to dresses are more specialized and varied, with the signature and the atelier as main references. But their achievement is simpler and does not need so much time in advance. The price also changes with these types of issues.

Think about the key suppliers

A lot of suppliers participate in a wedding. Some are more obvious, but others have the same importance and go unnoticed.

Cheap Wedding planner

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The wedding planner is vital for the development of an event of these characteristics. As organizers, decorators. And professional consultants, their contribution lightens the work to the couple and increases the quality of the appointment. Lighting, table linen, seating plan, flowers and more can also depend on it. But there are also suppliers who, with the help of your cheap wedding planner, can cover all these needs.

Photography and video

The photographer and the video graphed are other great protagonists of this great day, because their function is to capture all the moments that will become memories in the years to come. Therefore, 10% of the total budget should go to these professionals.

Leave a part for extras and incidentals

It is important that the general budget of the cheap wedding includes a good game destined for surprises. The extras are not always included in the final prices and it is a good idea to talk with the suppliers to close packages with everything you need, even if it seems less economical at first.

Extras and doubts

The open bar is one of the clearest examples, sometimes free to hire the services of space, sometimes an extra that we did not have. The DJ and the music must also be taken into account and see what options the chosen space offers. As well as the animations and the different shows that could liven up the evening.

Recent services

There are special services that have begun to be included in recent years. We talk about the food corner with special gastronomy, the photo calls. The photo booths, the fireworks and the different innovations that have animated the last weddings.

All these extras invade our budget little by little, without noticing the total sum until the end. Therefore it is positive to be realistic and not get carried away by whims. If so, devotes a good part of the budget to possible extra emotions such as those mentioned. Good C advises you to  split the payments, avoid paying in advance the full price of each service. Do not make payments the same day of the wedding or charge them to someone you trust and try not to borrow.

Or do it as little as possible. Be realistic, calculate the money that you have at that moment and the one that you suppose you will have until the date of the celebration. The budget of your cheap wedding is the money that you can spend on it, neither more nor less.


Weddings Color Colorado recommends also having a budget item for incidentals , because they happen. Try to always have a small fund reserved for these situations. In addition, Buena C says that the contingency should be broad because there you can include extra expenses such as caregivers.

Or animators of children, guest accommodation, transportation, help from a wedding planner to coordinate the big day, etc.

Include the honeymoon trip

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The honeymoon should also be included in the general budget of the cheap wedding. Obviously, the price varies depending on the destination chosen, but, as a reference. A trip for two to the Caribbean costs around 3,000 dollars. In this sense. You have to take into account if you travel in high or low season, the demand of the place you want, the discounts that include travel packages …

Travel agencies specialized in honeymoons usually keep track of the trip during the entire planning process. But all this is also paid for. However, this departure is important because the trip must be safe and, above all. It is unique in your life! We recommend you  Travel 2. A team of experts who will create a trip that suits your taste but also your budget. In addition, they have a 24-hour service. And a department of attention to the couple that will not leave you alone at any time during the trip. What more could you want?

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