How to build muscles at home at 50 years

How to build muscles at home

From 50 years of age, people those who lead a sedentary life and inadequate nutrition begin to lose much of the muscular resistance. In addition to the loss of muscle mass, they can also lose bone density in a dangerous way. To avoid this situation, we must know how to build muscles at home to gain muscle mass or at least avoid losing it.

The loss of muscle mass in the elderly is called sarcopenia. It consists of the gradual loss of the muscle, becoming less functional, and causing the loss of strength, balance, and other qualities that can worsen the physical state of the person who suffers it.

Have you also reached the age of 50 and notice that your muscles no longer respond as before? It is time to combat this problem and gain muscle mass to stay in shape for many more years. Do not let aging get ahead by not being prepared and get down to work with these tips from the experts that are going to come great.

How to build muscles at home

How to build muscles at home mass after 50 years

Health experts recommend not waiting for old age to begin to combat the loss of strength and muscle mass. From the age of 50, there are people who are more exposed than others to lose muscle mass in a faster way, especially if they have had a rather sedentary life.

According to numerous studies, sedentary people with an age between 40 and 50 years can begin to lose muscle mass and strength, with a greater accumulation of fat that negatively affects their health.

In this aspect, we must take into account a poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and other genetic factors. It has been seen that men have a greater tendency to lose muscle than women, but in the case of them, upon reaching menopause, the rate of muscle loss is accelerated due to hormonal change.

If your goal is to get fit and know how to build muscles at home to feel better inside and out, it is time to apply a table of exercises. For over 50 years of age, you should appropriate to your needs and follow a correct diet. They should be very simple to inculcate in your day, but with which you will notice great changes.

Gain muscle mass with physical exercise

You can start at the age of 40 to increase your muscle mass percentage with physical exercise, but no later than 50 years if you do not want to run the risk of suffering a sarcopenia or loss of important muscle mass. Keep in mind that the muscle mass index by age is more complicated to climb as you get older, so do not neglect it and start as soon as possible.

To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to do a strength and resistance training that works for all muscle groups, with a minimum of 2 to 4 times per week. It is also advisable to leave at least 48 hours of time between workouts of the same muscle groups, for complete recovery.

If this is the first time you are going to do exercises of this type, seek professional help to follow a table suited to your needs and possibilities, avoiding injuries and achieving a growing improvement that encourages you to continue practicing exercise.

Do not forget to combine your toning exercises with resistance exercises at the same time, to help you control fat mass and maintain optimal health. Now you have a clear idea on how to build muscles at home at the age of 50.

How to build muscles at home

Program to gain muscle mass with toning exercises

Next, we will see a table of exercises to avoid the loss of muscle mass. These are exercises that can be adapted to all ages and health conditions, starting at a lower level to continue increasing little by little.

This routine of weights and exercises of 3 days can be divided into more or less days according to the needs of each person, and you can go to the gym to do it or dedicate yourself to it in your own home.

If you are not sure how to build muscles at home, consult an expert coach in weight training tables for people over 50 years old.

Breast and shoulder training

  • Start with about 15 to 20 minutes of cardio, treadmill, bicycle, or elliptical exercises.
  • Do 10 minutes of complete joint stretches.
  • Weights with dumbbell in flat on bench 2 × 10
  • Dumbbell weights inclined 2 × 10
  • Dumbbell weights shoulders 2 × 10
  • Weights for triceps 3 × 10
  • Abdominals superior 2 × 10
  • Abdominal oblique 2 × 10
  • Finish with 5 minutes of complete joint stretches.

Training of biceps and back

  • Start with about 15 to 20 minutes of cardio, treadmill, bicycle, or elliptical exercises.
  • Do 10 minutes of complete joint stretches.
  • Dumbbell weights pulling towards the chest 2 × 10
  • Weights exercise with low pulley rowing 2 × 10
  • Use Dumbbell weights with 2 × 10 shoulder lifts
  • Dumbbell weights for biceps 2 × 10
  • Dumbbell weights hammer for biceps 2 × 10
  • Lower abs 2 × 10
  • Lumbar 2 × 10
  • Finish with 5 minutes of complete joint stretches.

How to build muscles at home

Leg training

  • Start with about 15 to 20 minutes of cardio, treadmill, bicycle, or elliptical exercises.
  • Do 10 minutes of complete joint stretches.
  • Squats 2 × 10
  • Femoral Curl 2 × 10
  • 2 × 10 quadriceps extensions
  • Striking 2 × 10 each leg
  • Sumo squat 2 × 10
  • Lower abs with legs 2 × 10
  • Scissors with legs 2 x10
  • Finish with 5 minutes of complete joint stretches.

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