A list of essential and practical items to pack when you go camping

With the extremely difficult financial climate as it is today and the cost of living rising steeply, a lot of families are sadly having to forgo a holiday all together. For those who are lucky enough to scrap together enough money to take a well-earned vacation, the idea of camping becomes a reality.  If you, as a family, have never been camping before, here is a list of essential and practical items that you really must include before setting off on your camping adventure. The very first thing to consider is a tent, the size of your family will dictate the size of your accommodation.  You don’t have to purchase anything brand new, look on Ebay and other sites where people sell products they no longer need. A tent with a fitted inner groundsheet is a great choice, then all the equipment to go inside the tent that will make your first camping experience a great one.

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Sleeping bags and pillows to keep warm at night and to sleep comfortably.  Camping chairs and a foldable table so you can sit and eat meals together.  A set of quality non-stick saucepans with a good PTFE Coating manufactured by a specialist company such as  http://www.poeton.co.uk/standard-treatments/electroless-nickel-plating/ . Torches are a must as you will be walking across the camping field in the dark to visit the toilet block and washrooms. A portable gas cooker, spare gas bottles, cutlery and cooking utensils, cups, plates, and a washing up bowl.  Plenty of clothes to last the length of your holiday, though most sites do have a launderette that you could do a wash if you needed to. Lots of big quality bath towels for showering and taking to the beach when you go.

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A large cooler to keep your milk, butter, and dairy products cold, as well as bacon and sausages, an absolute must for cooking that good, hearty full English breakfast.   All the essential toiletries you would normally use on a daily basis, toilet rolls, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, etc. A fully equipped first aid kit is definitely something to include and make sure it contains all the must have plasters, bandages, gloves, and scissors. This may seem an awful lot of equipment to have on your list, but most, if not everything is a practical and necessary item.

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