The 6 basic tips for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle

healthy lifestyle

The general recommendation is to practice 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

Maintaining mobility over the years is a fundamental aspect for health and well-being, and therefore Fisiocrem, together with the pharmaceutical company Uriach, collects the following key points that you should always bear in mind

healthy lifestyle

1. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise

You can practice it wherever and whenever you want, but try to do it at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. It will allow you to reduce the amount of body fat, since the body uses this substrate as an energy source. In addition, current technology provides you with applications that give you extra information – such as calories burned, time, or distance traveled – to achieve your goals. The possibilities are many and you do not have to go to a gym: running, swimming, cycling or jogging are options available to everyone.

2. Tones the muscles

It is important to avoid muscle deterioration, since after 30 years the total number of fibers and muscular area begins to decrease, an effect that is felt directly in the strength. Combining it with aerobic exercise maximizes physical benefits and prevents the preventive deterioration of mobility. Currently, many businesses dedicated to fitness offer customers the purchase of dumbbells and other tools, ideal for carrying loads of weight and maintaining muscle mass. Turn them into your best ally!

3. Resignation to toxic habits

Avoid smoking, diets rich in saturated fats, and alcohol, will contribute in the long term to maintain a good level of health and above all, well-being.

4. Postural prevention is vital in the long term

If you want to get in good shape to old age, perform periodic stretching and do posture reeducation treatments can help maintain the integrity of mobility. Have you heard about the method? More and more physiotherapy centers teach it in Spain, and we recommend you find out more about it.

5. Resignation of stress

Stress and anxiety are one of the biggest afflictions of this century, and lead to harm in both physical and mental health. The points that we mentioned above and feeding will help you maintain a better psychological state.

6. Rest!

Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruption are essential to ensure a good state of health. Try to go to sleep always at the same time, and if you are a lover of naps, nothing happens, as long as you do not exceed half an hour.

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