How external cyber threats to your business can occur

Cyber threats can occur to your business both from internal and external sources. It is important that business owners take cyber security seriously and have all the policies and procedures and Cyber Liability Insurance in place to deal with such an issue. JMP Cyber Insurance will see you adequately covered should you need to make a claim on your insurance following a cyber breach.

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One of the ways that cyber threats can reach your business is through external sources and these most often appear as one of the following:

  • Malicious software – this can be software that is designed to damage the computer system and in some cases to render it useless. There are spyware items that gather the information that is being typed into the system such as password and log in details that can then be used to harvest information later on.
  • Sabotage – this is done to prevent a system from being used and is designed to stop a business or government service from being able to function correctly. This is often done by placing malware on a system.

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  • Hacking – this is where any vulnerabilities in a business or organisations cyber security are exploited so that hackers can gain access to the system. The reason for the hack will depend on the kinds of information that you hold. In some cases, hackers will access a system in order to spy on the organisation or business.

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