A Wild Camping introduction

Wild camping, also known as free camping, is the term used to described the process of parking your vehicle on suitable land without charge. In many countries, putting a tent up on public property is often illegal or unacceptable, but there are ways that you can benefit from wild camping without causing disruption.

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The Advantages of Wild Camping

The biggest advantage of wild camping is, of course, the fact that it is free. However, there are others too. For instance, you can set up home in places that you might not normally get the opportunity to with normal camping, like on the beach car parks with fantastic views. Places like this often boast cold showers and toilets, which makes the experience much more enjoyable.

Reasons You May Not Wish to Go Wild Camping

On the flip side, free camping means that you don’t get to benefit from the array of facilities normally on offer at fully equipped campsites. And you might have security issues to consider, as your vehicle won’t be parked on insured ground. Vehicles, and the people inside them, are far safer when parked near other cars.

There are also the permission issues that you might face if you park somewhere that is deemed unacceptable. Find out about camping permissions here: https://www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/helpandadvice/gettingstarted/placestocamp/campinglegally/.

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Helpful Tips for Wild Campers

The main thing to remember when camping for free is to be considerate of those around you – and nature. This means making no loud noise, lighting unsafe fires or blocking access for other vehicles. You may also find that restaurants or supermarkets get upset if you come in and use their toilets, so be wary of upsetting the locals and, even worse, the authorities. You will almost certainly be moved on if you breach the rules.

To save you from having to search for sanitation facilities, you should consider purchasing a fully equipped vehicle with a chemical toilet installed.  These types of vehicle can be pretty old if your buying second hand so it’s always worthwhile checking the MOT history and if its got any kind of cover.   If you need to get an MOT Gloucester way then you could always call a business like swiftfit to help you.  Finally, when parking in urban areas, you should respect the nature and wildlife around you but remain cautious of any threats to your safety. As such, make sure that you don’t leave rubbish outside that might attract animals, and ensure that your car battery is charged in case you need to escape the area quickly.

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