What Is Business Tourism? Why Is It Important?

What Is Business Tourism

What Is Business Tourism? Business tourism is tourism that is destined to develop business and commercial agreements with different companies. When for business or work, you must travel to other cities or countries for the interests of the company where you work.

Importance of business tourism

Importance of Business Tourism

There is a great relationship between the national economy of a country and business tourism. For this sector can promote an entire industry of a country, improving communication channels and improving the quality of work in many economic sectors, such as in the oil sector, communications sector, agricultural sector, education, and training sector, as well as also in the health sectors, associations, etc.

Business tourism can generate many economic benefits for the interest of a national economy. I am considering a key impulse for jobs temporarily or permanently. The vast majority of the world’s governments list the results of business tourism within their gross national products, where they analyze the production costs of public investment in a given sector. The sector can generate large amounts of permanent and temporary jobs in the supply chain sector of organizations and events.

Many are the pieces who depend on business tourism to be able to provide jobs to their citizens. A clear example is the population of Melbourne in Australia, where 4 million people live, and more than 22 thousand people are employed in the business tourism sector. Next, we will see the benefits of business tourism.

Business Tourism Benefits

Benefits Of Business Tourism

  • The tourists who attend the different exhibitions and conferences are people with high purchasing power.
  • The conferences and exhibitions increase the demand for tourism products and services in the low seasons.
  • It greatly improves the tourist experience. Therefore that tourist can return, repeating the visit.

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Direct economic impacts

  • Expenses in residence, tourist services and transportation paid by international visitors.
  • Exponential growth in investments in business tourism, including the establishment of urban centers, organizing companies, event suppliers, etc.
  • Commercial exchanges and agreements during exhibitions and conferences.
  • Increase in promotional activities.

Indirect economic impacts

  • Expenses paid by visitors of exhibitions to general services.
  • Expenses on gifts for visitors to business tourism.
  • Sales of farmers, factories and different service providers.
  • Contribution to business tourism in urban development and infrastructure.
  • Investment opportunities in the destination where the exhibition is held.
  • Promote investments in the destination where the conference or exhibition takes place.

Determining the economic impact of business tourism

Many countries study the economic impact of business tourism, which uses some accounting tools:

  1. Use of data (multiple).
  2. Input and output analysis.
  3. Cost/benefit analysis.
  4. Expense ranges and amount of cash flow.

Tourism impact of business tourism

Tourism impact of business tourism

There is a great connection between business tourism and the tourism industry, specifically with tour operators, hotels and travel agencies.

Where hotels are a key part of the exhibitions and different conferences that take place, in addition to the different people who participate in the conference are staying at the hotel. Many countries have their tourism strategies associated with business tourism development strategies.

Tourism associated with exhibitions and conferences represents more than 15% of tourism in the world where tourism gets many benefits from business tourism.

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