Five Signs That It‘s Time to Replace Your Windows

You might have lived in your home for a few years or have just moved to a new property. Either way you may not have given the windows much thought – other than as something to look out of. But windows are a key part of your home’s energy-efficiency, so what are some signs that they may need to be replaced?

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1. The Bills

Have you noticed your energy bills creeping up? It may not just be down to rising prices. It could be that your windows are losing heat. Stand near to a window on a cold day and see if it feels cooler. Is the glass cold to the touch? Is there a draught? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it might be time to think about replacements. Modern windows have a bigger gap between the panes, an inert gas filling and a low emissivity coating – all of which helps the retain heat.

2. Bad Vibrations

When you are sitting quietly in your lounge with the windows closed, can you hear traffic or people passing in the street? Older windows can transfer the vibrations from sound waves into your house, disturbing your peace and quiet. Modern windows – thanks to that bigger gap in the double glazing we mentioned earlier and to well-sealed frames – are much better at keeping unwanted noises on the outside.

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3. Sticky Situation

Are your windows stiff or hard to open? Are the catches difficult to operate or do they make it impossible to close the window tightly? If so, then it could be time to look for new windows Dublin suppliers like, who can advise you on the best options.

4. You’ve Been Framed

Older wooden windows eventually deteriorate – even with regular maintenance they won’t last forever. They get wet and dry out again and again, which can lead to cracks and distortion. This in turn can mean leaks and draughts, not to mention being unsightly. You can carry out repairs or repainting, but it’s only a short-term fix.

5. Steamy Windows

Condensation between the panes of your double glazing is a sure sign that the seals have broken down and you need to replace the glass. However, condensation on the outside is a sign your glazing is working well.


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