The topics that most interest project management

project management

A  schedule of online activities is a tool to simplify and visualize the planning and project management of the work. Its purpose is to be as productive as possible and to set out an action plan to implement it effectively.

Calculate the critical path

best project management

activities necessary to reach our goal in the quickest way possible. Techniques such as CPM. Combined with project management and Review Techniques, provide us with the optimal route for our project.

Qualitative research method

 The qualitative research method is the collection of information based on the observation of natural behaviors. Discourses are open answers for the subsequent interpretation of meanings.

How to prepare a project?

the project management

Actions necessary in the development of a project, since the need arises to plan, and manage. And carry it out, until future reuse if necessary.

How to make an online chart?

Finally, there is an online chart that really takes into account the real disadvantages of many professionals. A very intuitive variation of the diagram. Which we call and that, precisely, flexible planning can be done. Which helps to make quick decisions and promotes real-time communication.

Characteristics of the quantitative method

The quantitative methodology analyzes the behavior of a series of causes and effects, from data numbers and bases to probabilistic studies.

How to make a project justification?

top project management

 A justification is the explanation of the reasons why a certain action is carried out. So the justification of a project identifies why the set of activities that comprise it is carried out.

Online planner

Currently, there are project management tools that work as expert weekly planners. This is exactly what is about: an online planner that organizes tasks optimizes work routes and promotes teamwork.

Type of productive processes

There are many types of processes. However, before going into detail with each of the most popular. It is important to know what a process is. What do we call processes? Do we really know what a process is? From there, we can perform better process management, using the appropriate tools such as.

A process is a set of specific activities aimed at achieving a specific objective. If this order of activities is repeated. As well as the resources detailed in each of them, we will be closer to achieving the result we are looking for. This is the goal of a process: to achieve a certain result. As if it were a cooking recipe. Hence, a process can be used as many times as needed to reach the goal.

What is the difference between process and project? A project is unique. Meets specific requirements and is defined only for that project. Because the result we seek only wants to achieve within the time specified in the project. Thus, we could say that a process is timeless. While project management has a defined period of time.

The industry sector is a good example to expose cases of organizational processes. All of them, continuously seek continuous improvement with quality processes.

Next, we will discuss the types of business processes. Both the main and the most popular.

3 types of main processes

 The optimization of procedures is the main objective of each type of process. Based on this objective, we perform a classification of business management and organization processes. There is a main categorization:

Strategic processes Are those that are oriented to define a strategy that allows for meeting the objectives established by the organization. Following its mission and vision. They comprise the management of companies. And the managers of each department.

Operational processes Destined to generate the product or service. This is the bulk of many of the processes of companies. Since they include production, product development, etc. And they are directly related to customer satisfaction. As well as shareholders if any. Hence, in many cases, the operating processes of a company also receive the name of key processes.

Support processes. It is about the support processes that directly help to meet the company’s objectives. We talk about Quality Control, Information Systems, etc. It could be said that this type of process fulfills the function of a key tool for the execution of other company processes.

All these processes are planned and managed with the right tools. The administration of processes is key, and that is why work applications such as these are used. In which to plan and manage each of the activities that are part of these processes. These processes are saved and reused and edited, if necessary when needed. All work teams could use the processes managed in the tool in the easiest and most intuitive way. The result will be productive processes, according to the sector of activity.

Project management your manning process was effective

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Classification of production processes

In the category of operating processes, we can include different types of production processes. In order to help you with the identification of specific processes according to your type of company.

Batch processes. A large number of products are produced, so manufacturing is divided into large departments. Each of these plants is specialized in the production of a part of the product. Each of these lots can be planned as different project management. Linked to a general project that supervises all phases. This is how easily you can relate projects to each other, to control, for example, different departments.

Continuous manufacturing processes. The different phases of manufacture of this type of continuous process are carried out in the same place. Their activities are usually automated.

Chain processes. Each of the phases is closely related. Since it is necessary that they are executed with a very precise organization. Each activity is due to the results of the previous one.

Processes by projects. It is characterized by using manufacturing processes at specific times. For a specific purpose and with specific resources. The costs and the time periods are specified very well. Hence, the planning and management of this type of process by the project have a special meaning. Through tools capable of simplifying their development.   This management takes into account the key dates of the project management as well as its costs, to obtain the best work route.

Other types of popular processes

Types of craft processes. The manufacture of products that are usually made without the use of sophisticated technology. Such as everything related to crafts: pottery, carpentry, embroidery, etc. The results are usually not exactly equal to each other.

Types of technological processes. Oriented to analyze a problem and design and build an object or machine. The design and manufacture of electronic devices could be a clear example. Types of computer processes. Like the development of a web or an application.

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