How to Spot a Bad Coworker? Detect Right Now!

how to spot a bad coworker

We have all encountered a terrible coworker on our work journey, the one who blames others for their mistakes, who does not assume their responsibilities, who speaks ill of their colleagues, who exudes envy, pessimism and lack of professionalism. These unpleasant characters exist, but some notice it when it’s late, when perhaps the damage has already been done, that’s why we give you clues so you know how to spot a bad coworker.

How to spot a bad coworker?

These types of people will always see the negative side of a project and idea, and they will criticize harshly and sometimes without reason any innovative idea that has not come from their ingenuity, they tend to constantly demonstrate their envy.

how to spot a bad coworker

They are motivated by bad news, which is why they are usually people who really enjoy the rumor, but above all the negative rumor, the one that involves problems or misfortunes of others, whether from the company, the bosses, other colleagues, etc.

Hypocrisy is their best tool, with this they manage to move among people pretending what they are not, with that they also often find the information to create the rumors they enjoy so much.

He always seeks to impose his opinion on work projects, being very authoritarian. In the same way, he is usually quite egocentric with his work, which leads him to strongly criticize that of the other.

They often slip away from their responsibilities, attributing them to others, on many occasions they are also people who, in the slightest situation of pressure or change, reveal their conflictive attitude.

They are always on the defensive with envious attitudes, lack companionship, and often hold others accountable for their mistakes, making them caring people.

Detecting this type of people within the company is easy if we open our eyes well, so if you are starting a new job, act with emotional intelligence and do not get carried away by first impressions, take the time to meet your colleagues before getting intimate with them

Before such a person, it is best to keep as much distance as possible so as not to be a victim of their toxic attitudes. Do not forget that this type of behavior is counteracted by good job performance and a positive attitude

A bad coworker hides behind a hypocritical face so remember to carefully manage relationships with your coworkers. Avoid participating in office rumors, because sometimes bad colleagues seek to drag them to be their accomplices, do not pass you, without noticing it, for a bad person too.

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