Jewish Religious Holidays

All religions have holidays. The name holiday comes from Holy day, a day where work was put to one side, and you are given more time to think about God. The Jewish faith is no exception to this, and it has several holidays throughout the year for its followers to observe and celebrate. Here are two of the most important ones.

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Just as we gather to listen to Big Ben’s chimes or see the ball drop in Times Square, Jews will come together to hear the sound of a large Rams horn being blown. This signifies the start of Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah cards, like those from The blowing of Ram’s horns is a significant part of the Jewish faith, and they generally like to do it for most of their holidays at some point.

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The Passover in the spring, by comparison, is more subdued. Given the background of the celebration, it is not a surprise. According to biblical texts, the Hebrews were kept in Egypt as enslaved people and general dogsbodies for the populace. They wanted to leave and, with the guidance of Moses, kept asking the Pharaoh if they could go. He denied them time and time again, so God sent plagues to try and convince him. The last plague involved the angel of death taking the firstborn of all the Egyptian families but not the Jewish ones. Jews all over the world celebrate this as the Pharaoh agreed soon afterwards to free them from bondage

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