6 gym exercises to avoid and change it right now

gym exercises to avoid

When it comes to starting to sweat in the gym, we often fall into the error of thinking that any type of exercise is better than not exercising at all. It is not exactly like that. Many times we end up devoting our energy to routines that are unnecessary. It is a waste of time, when not directly harmful. Here, we listed 6 gym exercises to avoid right now. 

It is like that. We get to the machine room, and we can custom, especially to those who are more inexperienced in fitness things. We choose classic exercises, those that sound lifelong, without taking into account that they bring us almost more inconveniences than advantages. It badly executed can be fatal.

6 gym exercises to avoid

Times change and the ways of training change with them. The new models have made their limited effectiveness, and the risk has discredited “mythical” routines. Ask any serious coach, and they will all tell you the same thing: there are alternatives to get the same benefits but with less risk.

The list that follows lists some gym exercises to avoid. You are already taking time to erase them from your training plan.

Kipping Pull-up

1. Kipping Pull-up

The CrossFit has put this dominating at the center of the controversy. The ‘kipping’ goes to swing the body forward and give a hip hit explosively to make less expensive -or faster. What is the maximum number of repetitions in the shortest amount of time- the flexion of arms?

It is a popular technique among addicts to extreme training, but the truth is that it provides little gain in the form of strength. Also, puts your joints at risk. It’s a simple way to do more repetitions, but each of them pulls violently on the joints and ligaments of your shoulders. All are among the most delicate of the body.

Change it: Strict dominated, with a supinated grip. It is the palms of your hand look towards you placing the hands to the same width of the shoulders. And cross the legs to the height of the ankles. It must start from a resting position in which the arms are fully stretched, and return to that same position of rest. Without raising the legs during the process.


2. Dip


When performed correctly, the parallel bars are an excellent exercise for the work of the chest muscles and triceps. But perfectly executed parallel backgrounds are like a unicorn. They are talked about but rarely seen.

When it is badly done -it is common to see open elbows and straight trunk, or people exceeding 90º between the shoulder and the trunk. Exercise causes enormous stress on the rotator cuffs. One of the most vulnerable components of your shoulders, and can suppose a hyperextension of the elbow.

Change it: Push-ups closed on the floor, with your hands together, almost touching, and keeping your elbows on both sides of the trunk. Lower until the chest almost touches the ground, make a short pause and push explosively. The flexion of arms, placing the palms of the hands close to each other, provide the same benefits as the funds in parallel without their risks.

Leg press inclined at 45 degrees

3. Leg press inclined at 45 degrees

On the one hand, the movement facilitated by the machine does not involve either abdominal muscles or the stabilizing muscles of any other group of the body. So that, the possible gains of the exercise will have a poor translation in your daily life. This exercise forces your back to adopt a curved position and compresses your spine. That can end up causing a herniated disc.

Change it: Bulgarian squats with weight. An exercise that is much closer to real-life movements works the abdominal area and tests your balance. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms outstretched. Place the instep of one of your feet on a bench at your back. Flex the other leg and lower as much as you can. Take a short pause and return to the starting position.

Bench press

4. Bench press the way ‘bodybuilder.’

If you only want to gain chest volume, this is one of the classic exercises. By separating the hands and opening the elbows, the work is more localized in the pectorals. The problem is that it also increases the stress on the rotator cuff and the capsule of the shoulder joint.

Change it: Powerlifting bench press. Arching your back slightly on the bench, changing the grip and keeping the elbows close to the sides while lowering the bar to Touch just below the nipples. That minimizes the suffering of the shoulders. Also, that position makes many more muscles work with each load.

Leg extension machine

5. Leg extension machine

The vertical force that you put on your knees during this exercise can lead to injuries. When we extend our legs, we are performing a non-functional exercise, which we do not reproduce in daily life. Thus, more pressure is exerted than necessary on the back of the kneecap, which can cause discomfort to people with knee problems.

Change it: Squats with your back against the wall an isometric exercise. Here the contraction of the muscle occurs without there being the movement of the joint. Or for yoga. It will help you gain strength in the legs and improve your flexibility without exposing yourself to possible joint injuries.

Smith machine

6. Smith machine

This machine does the whole balance exercise for you. It’s an unnatural movement that does not allow you to exercise the smaller stabilizing muscles around. Stay away from the fixed-angle Smith machine, and especially the vertical ones. When your body is locked in a specific range of movement, you find it impossible to move naturally, and different parts of your body will be compromised. In this case, the middle and lower parts of the back will support the entire load.

Change it: Squats with free weight and without appliance aid. Try to be as symmetric as possible to avoid damage and add weight little by little. When performing this exercise, you must remember that the knees should never pass the vertical marked by the toes.

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