6 original ideas for a winter wedding bouquet

winter wedding bouquet

For those who get married together with the suggestive winter atmosphere, we have collected 6 ideas for a bridal wedding bouquet that will not go unnoticed! How will yours be?

Getting married in winter has its known advantages: the locations have a wider availability calendar, as do the churches, you save money as you get married in “low season”, and you also have the opportunity to wear spectacular wedding dresses, from true queens of snows! But not only that, you also have an infinite number of original ideas and extraordinary blooms for the compositions of the bride’s bouquet and decorations!

Today we show you 6 ideas for an original winter wedding bouquet …

1. Bouquet of berries

winter wedding bouquet

If we talk about originality we can only start by offering you an alternative bouquet of berries! The most common are the red ones, but do you know that there are really all the colors? The variety of flowers and plants that produce these small fruits is quite wide: from the white or red berries of the mistletoe to the violet or intense blue of the juniper, to the darker ones of the laurel, to be combined according to the colors and the  mood of your winter wedding. You could choose a bouquet of sun berries, or decide to combine them with leaves or white roses, in any case yours will be a truly original bouquet!

2. Christmas bouquet with pine cones and glittered balls

winter wedding bouquet

The elements that you can use to enrich with creativity a bouquet of winter flowers are really innumerable. With a hint of inspiration you can create truly original floral arrangements that will not go unnoticed even by the most distracted guest! Some idea? If you marry during the Christmas period for example, how about pine cones and balls borrowed from the Christmas tree? For an even more “magical” and winter effect, in addition to the common Gypsophila, you could add fluffy snowflakes …

3. Bouquet of red tulips

winter wedding bouquet

Symbol of true love, red tulips are a great choice for a winter wedding bouquet full of personality! This is certainly a bold alternative, to consider only if you are sure to “know how to bring it” and match it correctly to the rest of the bridal outfit. Opt for a bouquet of red tulips if you wear a simple white wedding dress, to play with the captivating color contrast given by the two colors, or if the color “fil rouge” of your wedding will be the red!

4. Bouquet full of colors

winter wedding bouquet

If the white and cold white color is too traditional for you and you are looking for some unconventional ideas for a beautiful winter bouquet, choose a multicolored composition! Do not be afraid to use too many flowers of different type and / or color, the important thing is that they follow a visually harmonious color range and, above all, from intense shades, such as those of red, purple and blue. Remember that the same flowers and colors should be used for any other accessories of the bride and for the boutonnière of the groom, for colorful and toned wedding looks!

5. Bunched bouquet

winter wedding bouquet

They are not very common, you have to know how to bring them and choose the right flowers based on the wedding looks of the couple, but the bouquets are without doubt the most fascinating and glamorous. They are a minimalist and classy choice, very suitable for those who wear a vintage wedding dress! The most suitable flowers are obviously those with long stems, such as the calle, roses and orchids. However, pay attention to the length of the stem: this should be decided on the basis of a well – studied choice that must consider other important elements, such as the height and dress of the bride.

6. Messy bouquet

winter wedding bouquet

Messy bouquets are now the established tendency of current matrons. For moods they are opposed to ball bouquets, that is perfectly round ones, and can be defined as “disordered” compositions (messy in English means “disheveled”) inspired by the indomitable nature. Their characteristic, in fact, is precisely that of having a rebellious air, with leaves and branches that come out of the composition, which is clearly deconstructed.

For the foliage are used mainly bay leaves, olive and eucalyptus, and flowers with large petals alternating with other smaller ones. The messy bouquets are spectacular and also very suitable for winter looks and bridal hairstyles as natural. How will your winter wedding bouquet be?

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