Journey to Mongolia, The Top 5 For a Slow Adventure


Land of great spaces and great stories, which fascinates by its distance from the rhythms we are accustomed to and which reserves endless emotions: Mongolia is a destination to be discovered. One of its characteristics is precisely the slow dimension of living, and even adventure adapts itself to the times of the nomadic peoples: the night you move in fact sleeping, like the locals, in the typical tents called ger. But let’s see together the TOP 5 of the experiences not to be missed in Mongolia, the land of Genghis Khan.

1. Adventure in Mongolia | Sleep in a typical ger tent


In Mongolia, about half the population continues to live in traditional housing, the yurt tents (ger in Mongol). They are large rooms, designed to accommodate an entire family, and can be assembled relatively quickly (almost like a Canadian!). Respect for the home and traditions requires a strict protocol of behavior: for example, never step on the jamb or lean on the support poles, both gestures of bad luck, and before going out, walk a clockwise circle around the stove at the center of the curtain. Part of the nomadic experience also contemplates a day with the Mongols riding in the sand desert.

2. History in Mongolia | Visit Karakorum, the capital of Genghis Khan


Books of adventure, in which history is mixed with legend, accompany the deeds of the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan, who in Karakorum established the capital of the Mongol empire around the mid-1200s, which was then moved to Beijing. From the period of maximum splendor, the city preserves the Erdene Zuu Khiid museum and monastery.

3. Contemporaneity in Mongolia | Stroll around UlaanBataar


The capital of Mongolia is a city without equal, which brings together modern spaces and ancient temples, cold weather and warm welcome and liveliness. UB, for friends, reserve surprises at every corner, incredible views and majestic palaces. Located at 1350 meters above sea level, it is surrounded by an incredible landscape and looks like a ship in the middle of the ocean of a nature that remains the absolute protagonist of the country.

4. Relax in Mongolia | Take a bath in the hot springs of Tsenkher


Volcanoes and mountains cannot miss the thermal springs: near the town of Tsetserleg, so green that its name means garden, are the sulfur springs of Tsenkher. The water comes out of the subsoil 80° C and it is extremely pleasant to dive into the outdoor pools, from which you can admire, remaining in the heat, the endless panorama of the cold Mongolian steppe.

5. Happiness in Mongolia | Connect to the divine at the Amarbayasgalant monastery


Spirituality connotes every moment of Mongol life, the congenital precariousness of a nomadic people leads to bind itself to the times of nature and to rely on the benevolence of the Superior. Amarbayasgalant is considered one of the most beautiful monasteries in the country, and is the oldest. It was erected in 1737 and is known as the “monastery of peaceful happiness”. Located in the Selenge region of the North, it is surrounded by an evocative landscape that seems to change with the light and the wind direction. From the roofs of the monastery you can enjoy a splendid view over the entire valley, which seems endless.

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