The Big Three Things That You Must Do in a Job Interview

– So you have come across the job of your dreams – you have sent in your CV, they have read it and seem to like it because you have been invited for – the dreaded job interview! This is not something that any potential employee looks forward to, but is a necessary evil when it comes to bagging the job of your dreams – whatever it may be. So what are the main things that you need to do, when it comes to getting the job?

Don’t be late – Being late for a job interview is a big no-no – if you are not quite sure of how to get there maybe do a dummy run a few days before – take into consideration what time your interview is – if it is in rush hour or near a school at a school start or finish time then add a little more time onto your journey. Leave earlier than you would to allow for any potential hiccups – you want to get there relaxed and calm as possible not hot and flustered from rushing.

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Be Confident – Once you are there, it is very easy to get nervous. When you walk into the room and there are the people deciding your fate sat behind the big boardroom table instead of getting nervous picture yourself sitting behind that desk interviewing potential candidates one day, even sat in the your own top office choosing your own office furniture, on a selection of top of the range Operator Chairs sourced from   and sipping a cappuccino – whatever works for you, but the main thing is to stay calm.

Be Prepared – Before you have got to the interview, you should have done research on the company. Spend plenty of time doing this and learn a lot about it as they will probably ask what you know about them and what you think of it, so make sure you have checked out the company’s website in detail. Make some notes of your own to bring along to the interview as well – if you have any questions that you want to ask that is great, it shows that you have seriously thought about it and taken time to look into the company.

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