Use of clove: How to eat this aromatic and antioxidant herb

Use of clove

The widespread use of clove is anesthetic. It is very useful to relieve toothaches and reduce gum inflammation. Have you ever wondered what clove is for? Well, besides being a wonderful spice for culinary purposes, this ingredient has properties that can be used as a basis for alternative remedies.

Due to its aromatic and antioxidant power, it has interesting applications and medicinal uses to improve health. In fact, thanks to its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. It stands out in natural medicine as an ally against various types of ailments.

What is the use of clove?

Use of clove

The cloves are a spice that is obtained from the buds of the flowers of the nail tree. Its name derives from “clavus,” which is a Latin word meaning nail. The ingredient is obtained when the flowers dry to a brown color.

Its consistency is hard, but inside it contains oily substances that are the basis of its nutritional properties and flavor. Although they were initially used as a remedy for halitosis, today they are known to have other important applications.

Nutritional properties of cloves

Before knowing what the clove is for, it is important to briefly review its properties. From the nutritional point of view, we can find in this ingredient:

  • Fatty acids
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin B
  • Calcium

One of its most important components is eugenol, known for its powerful antioxidant effect. This active principle improves blood circulation and reduces the formation of clots. It also protects against oxidative stress and minimizes the risk of certain diseases.

Main uses

Main uses

It’s time to know what the use of clove. Although many have limited to use it in the preparation of recipes, in fact, it has other important uses that are worth taking advantage of. For its contribution of nutrients, oils, and antioxidants, the clove is used in:

  1. Prevent and treat bacterial, viral and fungal infections
  2. Reduce inflammation
  3. Relieve tooth pain
  4. Decrease muscle and headaches
  5. Favor the expulsion of phlegm
  6. Combat the accumulation of gases
  7. Eliminate bad breath (halitosis)
  8. Avoid abdominal inflammation
  9. Reduce menstrual cramps
  10. Combat sleep problems
  11. Relieve vaginal infections
  12. Control anxiety and stress

How to eat clove?

eat clove

There are several natural remedies to take advantage of the properties of the clove for the benefit of health. Of course, it is valid to add it in different recipes. However, to prevent and treat diseases, it is worth taking it as follows:


  • 1 spoonful of honey of bees (15 g)
  • ¼ teaspoon of clove powder (1.5 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)


Combine honey and clove powder. Subsequently, dilute the preparation in a cup of hot water. Let it rest a few minutes and consume it.

Note: you can take this remedy in case of nausea, abdominal swelling, and headaches.

If you want to use this ingredient for pains in the teeth or infections, mix it with olive oil and rub it in the affected areas. In the case of chest congestion, stress and bad circulation, acquire it in oil and use it externally by means of massages.

Contraindications of clove

The clove remedies are contraindicated for people suffering from gastric ulcers or gastritis problems. In the same way, it should be avoided in case of presenting an allergic reaction to the nail components.

Patients who are under treatment with anticoagulants should consult the doctor before taking clove in any of its forms. Its use is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation period.

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