Eliminate Earthy Complexion

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

Natural pale pink or peach complexion is a sign of not only youth and beauty but also unquenchable health, on which the condition and shade of the skin are directly dependent. At the slightest deviation in the work of the internal organs, the skin can be one of the first to “signal” the problem, becoming covered with acne and acne or acquiring an atypical gray, yellow and even greenish color. What does the earthy face tone mean? What is this – a variant of the norm, the pathology of internal organs or the result of a wrong lifestyle? And what measures to take so that a healthy blush appears on the cheeks? A small cosmetology educational program will help solve the burning problem by restoring an attractively fresh and blooming appearance!

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

Medical aspects of earthy complexion

Noticing that the person has acquired an earthy color, looks unkempt, dull and bruised, it is necessary to exclude as soon as possible the medical causes of this cosmetic defect associated with diseases of internal organs. Unfortunately, their list is quite extensive, starting with the most minor deviations, easily amenable to therapy, and ending with more serious ailments that require long and careful treatment.

  • Colds.  Once in the body, viruses cause intoxication, fever and other unpleasant symptoms of a cold. It is not surprising that on this background, the face acquires an unhealthy, earthy hue. While the immune system is working for wear, all the reserve forces of the body are spent on resisting pathogenic microorganisms, and dermal cells may simply lack nutrition. As a rule, such a disease lasts for 7-10 days, after which the skin is again covered with a fresh and healthy blush.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

  • Food poisoning.  The presence in the body of harmful substances causes weakness, nausea, and intoxication, against which the complexion changes. It can become pathologically pale, cyanotic, greenish or earthy – it all depends on the type of poisoning and the characteristics of the organism.
  • Worm infestation.  Parasitic diseases – one of the key reasons for the lack of nutrients in the body with a balanced and full diet. Helminths deprive a person of some vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the normal state of the dermis, with the result that it acquires a characteristic sallow color.
  • Deviations in the composition of the blood. The most common symptom of anemia is precisely gray complexion. Since the lack of hemoglobin negatively affects the body with oxygen, the skin quickly loses its elasticity and a healthy glow. However, in most cases, this is easily corrected by a diet enriched with iron and related vitamins, which improve the absorption of metal molecules.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

  • Kidney disease. The excretory system is responsible for cleansing the blood of residual waste products, toxins, and other harmful substances. If the kidneys no longer cope with their function, the bloodstream is gradually polluted. Chronic accumulation of toxic components in the blood against the background of renal failure will sooner or later lead to the fact that the skin will become a gray, dull shade, lose elasticity and smoothness.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.  Endocrine disorders are one of the most common causes of earthy complexion. Hormonal imbalance is quite easy to recognize – in addition to skin changes, the patient will experience pathological loss or, conversely, a quick weight jump, increased anxiety, dullness, and weakness of hair and nails.
  • Pathology of the digestive system.  Even with proper and balanced nutrition can not completely exclude the likelihood of deficiency of vitamins or nutrients – the normal flow of these resources depends not only on the diet but also on the correct metabolism. Ulcer, gastritis, mucosal injuries and other problems with the digestive tract slow down and worsen the intensity of absorption, which in turn affects the condition of the dermis, which becomes sallow, thin and lifeless.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

  • Diseases of the pulmonary system.  The gray tone of the face is a sure sign of tuberculosis, pulmonary insufficiency, chronic obstruction and other serious abnormalities associated with the respiratory system. That is why some experienced specialists in pulmonology from just one glance at the patient can accurately determine whether he has serious complications or the problem is easily curable.
  • Sepsis.  Generalized infection accompanied by blood poisoning is an extremely serious disease, one of the associated symptoms of which is a lifeless, gray complexion. However, the condition of the skin, in this case, is far from the biggest problem, since, without correct treatment, sepsis quickly leads to death.
  • Malignant Neoplasms.  Tumors of various etiologies usually affect the complexion one of the first, so it is important not to miss the “alarm bell”, identifying the disease at an early stage. Even asymptomatic oncology will affect the appearance, dividing the face more dull and lifeless, and the intensity of the earthy shade will increase in direct proportion to the stage of the neoplasm, the presence of metastases and the number of chemotherapy courses.
  • HIV Usually, the face of people infected with HIV becomes earthy much later than the diagnosis, when the virus moves to later stages. As a rule, such a change is associated not so much with the virus itself, as with frequent comorbid pathologies of the body, which occur in 99.8% of infected patients.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion


If you notice that a person who is not happy with the freshness of the day, the skin has become gray and dull, you should take care of a thorough examination, which can confirm or deny the presence of serious diseases that require immediate treatment. To do this, the doctor may prescribe the following studies:

  • laboratory tests: general and biochemical blood test, urinalysis, smear for the detection of helminthic invasion;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs, the state of which is in doubt;
  • x-ray diagnosis of pulmonary problems;
  • gastrointestinal endoscopy;
  • computed tomography (if necessary).

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

Such a thorough diagnosis will reveal the presence of possible problems in the body and promptly eliminate them, which will certainly have a positive effect not only on the complexion but also on the general well-being.

Causes of sallow non-health complexion.

Not always unhealthy complexion will talk about the presence of pathology – in some cases, unpleasant skin changes may be caused by external causes. Let’s look at the main factors affecting the condition of the skin:

  • Harmful habits.  Alcohol abuse, smoking, and especially drug addiction are far from the healthiest habits that simply cannot be reflected on the face. Just look at the photos of patients in drug treatment clinics to understand how much the destructive lifestyle affects the appearance. Moreover, in women, tarnishing and thinning of the skin is more noticeable than in men, since the female dermis is initially thinner and more sensitive.
  • Overwork.  Chronic lack of sleep, the total workload at work, the lack of proper rest and regular stress exhaust the body. All you need is a week to live in non-stop mode, and the complexion will become sallow, and your eyes will be red and dull.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

  • Stress.  Nervous strain – another reason for the dullness and exhaustion of the skin. The modern rhythm of life is not the best way to affect the appearance, so you should pay attention to not only physical but also psycho-emotional rest.
  • Irrational food.  Too tight diet or unbalanced menu can lead to a lack of nutrients in the body, which will adversely affect the condition and color of the skin. Therefore, sitting on a diet, it is necessary to supplement the diet with the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements, so that the body does not suffer from their deficiency.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

  • Harmful factors.  Work in adverse conditions can in a short time change the color of the skin, giving it a gray unhealthy shade. Factors affecting the condition of the skin include frequent contact with toxic chemical compounds, metals, and their derivatives, working in conditions of insufficient light and oxygen (for example, in basements, mines, etc.).
  • Ecological factors.  It has long been observed that the inhabitants of megacities skin condition are much worse than the representatives of rural areas. Unfortunately, healthy cheeks in the cheek, velvety peach skin and perfect health are poorly compatible with the smog of densely populated and industrial cities.
  • Hereditary factor.  It is extremely rare, but still, sometimes it happens that the earthy color of the skin is not a sign of pathology or a wrong way of life, but a genetic feature. In this case, getting rid of it will not work, no matter how much effort you make.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

Skin repair methods

Having found an unpleasant earthy tint that appeared on your face, you should not try to disguise it with all sorts of cosmetic products – removing such a defect is not difficult if, of course, it is not based on another, a more serious disease of the internal organs. To do this, it is enough to establish your own daily routine, review the diet and make a choice in favor of a healthier holiday, preferring to have a good sleep over watching TV shows or going to the club.

In addition, the complexion is positively influenced by unhurried walks in the fresh air, moderate exercise and sensible exercise. You will quickly forget about the earthy skin color, if you try to at least 2-3 times a week to go jogging or swimming – such loads positively affect the circulatory system and restore the fresh appearance of the skin.

Eliminate Earthy Complexion

Of course, the best solution would be a complete rejection of bad habits. This will have a positive effect not only on the complexion but also on the general condition of the body: by overcoming the craving for self-destruction, you can get rid of shortness of breath, cardiac disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other deviations in the body’s work. Remember: your health is in your hands!

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