Where should you install your surveillance cameras first? Here are some areas where you can place your security cameras:
- Windows and doors on the ground floor: A burglar will often try to enter the house in the same way as you. This is through the doors of the ground-floor. Burglars can also enter through windows. It’s crucial to install cameras at the ground level of all your doors and windows, inside and outside your home.
- Main stairway or hallway: Install a camera anywhere that burglars will have to pass through in order to gain access to the majority of your home. It is likely to be a hallway or main staircase on the first level.
- Common areas: It is also a good idea to protect areas you use every day, such as the living room or the kitchen. You can then keep an eye on the areas that are most heavily used in your home.
- Driveway: It’s wise to install an outdoor camera to monitor the entire length of your driveway. The burglars often need to cross your driveway in order to reach the front door. For CCTV Installation Swindon, visit com/cctv-installation/cctv-installation-swindon/
There are many places to install security cameras
You should also consider a few other places to install a surveillance camera. These spots are based on your home’s layout. Here are some of the best places to install cameras in your home.
- Yard: Protect your front and rear yard with outdoor cameras. The thieves use your yard to hide from the street. If there are overgrown trees or bushes, thieves can hide even more easily.
- Second floor: Do your expensive items or jewellery go upstairs? Use an indoor camera to protect your main hallway on the second floor. You can use this method to provide more video evidence to the police in case of a home break-in. It still allows you to avoid the privacy issues that are associated with installing cameras in bathrooms or bedrooms.