There really are lots of different ways for people to get from one place to another, if you live close enough to where you work you could always walk but pedal power and the use of a two wheeled bicycle have become extremely popular for getting backwards and forwards to places of employment. Cutting down on petrol costs by using a bicycle and reducing car maintenance bills is saving lots of households a great deal of money. There is also the use of public transport, like a bus, coach or train, any of these options can be used on a daily, weekly or intermittent basis. You can purchase travel cards for any of these transport links and save money on the cost of any future tickets. Of course, if you do choose any one of these options as your method of commuting you are reliant on them running an efficient service.
Of course, there are the more traditional methods of transportation such as using a motorbike, car, or van. If you are driving a large articulated lorry or van for a small firm, they may well use a Van Hire Bristol company rather than purchase their own vehicles outright. Your savvy boss would have searched on line using terms such as Find out more about van hire bristol here to find a professional company that could supply them with the size of van they needed. By using a hire van or lorry your smart boss will save money on maintenance of the vehicle and have the use of it only when he needs it. They could also hire whatever size of vehicle they require, so for many small firms this is the way forward.
Going back in time it would have been common for people to have used a horse and cart or buggy to travel from one place to another. Oxen and donkeys would also have been the traditional way to carry goods or ride into the local town. Canal boats and barges were also very popular, and people used them for transporting goods as well as from getting from one place to another. Of course, coming back to the modern era of today, aeroplanes are commonly used to get from one country to another in the quickest possible time.